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Reshaping healthcare around the patient


Our mission

Why did we launch Rosa?

Because we experienced how tricky it can be to be a patient. Whether it’s remembering your next doctor's appointment, checking if you’ve been reimbursed for that last visit, or just keeping track of your partner taking the kids to the doctor—there’s always something. And it can be overwhelming.

We’ve seen technology start to help. You can find doctors online, get appointment reminders by text, and even see your medical records on some websites. But even with these changes, it feels like each doctor uses a different system. Instead of making things better, it just increases your mental load…

That’s exactly why we started Rosa. We think there should be a simpler way to handle healthcare. One where every patient would have all of your health information in one place, so you can spend more time on what really matters: living well and keeping your family healthy.

At Rosa, we're on a mission to help you and your family live longer, healthier lives.
Because caring for your health shouldn’t be another full-time job.

Our strategy

How is Rosa going to get there?

To realize this mission, Rosa is developing a patient app where it will be easy to manage your health. Imagine having immediate access to your care team, medical appointments, medical files, prescriptions, invoices, and even tracking reimbursements—all streamlined for you and your loved ones, all on your smartphone.

Developing a patient app can take years. That’s why we’re advancing step by step. Our first step was to focus on a small and frequent health problem: making it easier to find and book a health professional

In less than 3 years, Rosa made great progress. With the trust of thousands of health professionals and millions of patients like you, we’ve grown into one of the largest medical platforms in Belgium. 

While we continue to grow, we are already working on the next features to make it easier for patients. Stay connected and be the first to know about our latest updates by downloading our mobile app

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Our oath

How do we deserve your trust?

Over 5 million medical appointments have been booked on Rosa. That’s a direct consequence of trust. To deserve it, Rosa has adopted the following principles in how we operate:

  1. Rosa is patient-centric. While the needs of health professionals and patients generally converge, sometimes trade-offs arise. In such cases, we will favor the perspective of the patient.

  2. Rosa believes that what makes healthy patients is healthy health professionals. Care is delivered by humans. Technology is only there to help, not to replace. Our belief is that Rosa should develop great apps to make the life of health professionals easier. In turn, this will positively impact the life of patients.

  3. Rosa is strict on security, privacy, and compliance. Not only do we transparently explain how we process personal data, we also go through demanding security and privacy certifications (like ISO 27001). On our dedicated page, you’ll see that we don’t do anything with your data, that we wouldn’t accept to do with our own.
  4. Rosa is a champion against monopolies. Today, many medical software providers play monopoly: they lock in their users, they refuse to open up with integrations, they make it difficult to switch software, they raise their prices… We do not believe that patients or health professionals should be locked in by their software suppliers. From a technical perspective, Rosa stands for interoperability and portability, ensuring that data syncs seamlessly between systems, whenever users want it.

Our organization

We’re a non-profit 

Rosa is a sustainable non-profit. Our users love that our core products are free forever. As a non-profit, offering great products for free is part of our mission, as it makes digital health accessible to the widest number of health professionals and patients.

But it also raises legitimate questions about sustainability: “how can something be free forever, someone must be paying somewhere?”

That’s why Rosa takes sustainability seriously and is working on becoming financially sustainable. Right now, we’re financed by a social impact fund that allows us to focus on growing and maximizing our impact.

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Our team

We are driven by purpose and a strong set of values

We are a team of more than 40 professionals, based in Belgium. Our developers, designers, marketeers, sales and product people draw on their diverse set of skills to build Rosa. Together, we shape the future of healthcare.